In 2009, world leaders gathered in Copenhagen for the Climate Summit COP15.
Here the hope was that they would sign a binding agreement for the world’s climate problems, and that it would take place sitting at the table “the Parliament of Nature”, made by the Danish craftsman and furniture designer Tyge Axel Holm.
We helped transport the table to the Bella Center, and also assisted with setting it up outside.
The table was transported separately, together with the 25 accompanying chairs.
”The transport was of high quality and the price good.
Tyge Axel Holm
I was very satisfied.
The history of “The Parliament of Nature”
“The Parliament of Nature” is produced by the Danish craftsman and furniture designer Tyge Axel Holm (b.1953).
The conference table was produced for the UN climate conference 2009, COP15, at the request of Tyge Axel Holm himself.
My dream was that the table could be used at the climate conference in Copenhagen in 2009, as an artistic symbol of the importance of a worldwide agreement on the future climate and environment.
It has taken 2 years to produce the table from solid maple, with a diameter of 5.5 m. In the table top, 1597 holes have been milled, which are filled with amaranth, which together form a so-called “Fibonacci pattern”.
The name derives from the “Fibonacci sequence” (0+1=1, 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8 …), which is a mathematical formula that first was described by the Italian mathematician Fibonnaci in the 13th century. It can be seen as a universal principle that can be used to describe the development of populations, and it is found in many places in nature, e.g. in the pattern formation of sunflower seeds, just as the number series is closely connected to the golden ratio in the world of art.
I will be very happy if someone sat down at my table and tried to solve the problems. Quietly, without hitting each other in the head.
As is well known, a solution to climate change was far from realized, and the table unfortunately did not form the basis on which a global climate agreement was signed. But that does not change the fact that “The Parliament of Nature” appears as an unconditional tribute to nature.
All photos © Tyge Axel Holm.
About Tyge Axel Holm
Furniture architect, product designer and Craftsman
Tyge Axel Holm er uddannet på Danmarks Designskole og har i mange år specialiseret sig i at designe og udvikle træprodukter, både som unika og til industriel fremstilling.
He has received grants and awards and exhibited at many recognized exhibitions.
For a number of years, he was chairman of the Association of Danish Craftsmen, was a member of the board of Denmark’s Design School and the Glass and Ceramic School on Bornholm, as well as the driving force behind the establishment of the Information Center for Danish Crafts, Danish Craft.
From Dansk Møbeldesign